2016 Absa Cape Epic from the Saddle of 299-2

Having done the Epic twice before, 2014 and 2015 together as team J9, creating awareness and making in roads into the cycling community through the various events we have become a solid J9 endurance cycling team, representing one of the strongest men and what he stands for that I have ever met… Joost van der Westhuizen. Representing him and his cause to fight MND and support those suffering from MND is a privilege and what better way to help the cause and create awareness by entering the Great ABSA Cape Epic for a third time.

Brendan Snyman and Dirk Kotze are now members of the Amabubesi Finisher's Club.
Brendan Snyman and Dirk Kotze are now members of the Amabubesi Finisher’s Club.

2016 ABSA Cape Epic was in many ways the hardest for me of the three, not so much physically as out of the three we new exactly what to expect from the epic knowing how brutal it can be and physically we were in the best shape we have ever been for this event. It was a mental battle, one which you cant prepare for, one in which would test our maturity and team bond and mental strength momentarily through out the race… a year in which we had to lean on the fact that the cause is greater than the race and that pain is as they say temporary but the satisfaction of knowing we completed the third Epic is forever. A year in which I silently thought about Joost and all those suffering when our chips were down and how fortunate we were to be able to take part in an event such as the Cape Epic and to experience the commradery and the beauty our country has to offer whilst others are suffering but remain positive and head strong. It’s amazing how strong the mind is when one has somebody to look up to whom not only was a world class leader and sportsman but in his current situation is still so mind strong and positive and is leading from the front, making a difference and setting an example that things can be different as long as you believe in the cause, greater things remain possible.

Brendan Snyman in action.
Brendan Snyman in action.

This year we had a goal, as we all know goal posts do change from time to time.… we might not have reached our initial goal for various reasons, some would say a stroke of bad luck, not as prepared as we thought we were or things did not go our way like they had done previously but as far as i am concerned…. it brought out the best and tested true character, character that J9 stands for, the chips were really down at times this year but together we stood strong, stayed positive and worked towards new goal posts and that was as a team, make sure we cross that line on the final day together. Not because it’s the right thing to do, but it’s the only thing to do… representing a foundation and a man whose character is to fight and keep fighting, time became irrelevant but fighting became key and finishing as the J9 Cycling team and everything it stands for became Epic.

Thus, proudly wearing J9 colours and representatives of the foundation.… Putting the Un-expected obstacles we encountered this year aside, as a team… as a foundation, we crossed the finish line of the 2016 ABSA Cape Epic as Amabubesi members.

Posing with the Team Bulls 2 guys.
Posing with the Team Bulls 2 guys.

To Joost and the foundation, we thank you for the opportunity and the strength you show and more importantly the belief you install in others that with the right mind set, anything is achievable. To the ABSA Cape Epic, thank you for an amazing event, year after year it shows its class. To all those that took part, the friends that were made on the journey, thank you for sharing eight precious days with us, without you… the Epic would not be.

Enroute during the toughest Epic yet for the J9 Foundation.
Enroute during the toughest Epic yet for the J9 Foundation.

Until next time,

Brendan Snyman

To find out more about the J9 Foundation visit joost.co.za.

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