There are many benefits of yoga, writes Joëlle Sleebos. It helps you take a holistic approach to looking after your body; it improves physical strength but also calms the mind.
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Core – Abdominal Poses | Reversed Tabletop
Sequence 1
1.1 Start seated on your mat.
1.2 Preparation – Place both hands next to your hips with your fingers pointing forward, feet are hip-width apart and feet are active/flexed.
1.3 Inhale – Lift your hips as high as you can, push into your feet, keep your knees above your ankles and look at your navel.
1.4 Inhale/Exhale – If it feels okay and your neck isn’t hurting, look at the ceiling.
1.5 Inhale – Hold Reversed Tabletop pose.
1.6 Exhale – Slowly drop your hips, but keep your buttocks off the floor by pulling your belly in, push the floor away, keep your feet flexed. Hover your hips between your arms just above the floor.
1.7 Repeat the lifting (inhale) & hovering (exhale) 10 times.
1.8 Rest – Lie in Savasana to recover.
Sequence 2
2.1 Exhale – Knees towards your chest, don’t use your hand but use your abs.
2.2 Inhale/Exhale – Hold pose for 5 breaths.
2.3 Exhale – Move your knees away from you while keeping the knees bend at a 90/90 degree angle. Try to keep your lower back against the floor to protect it. If your lower back hurts, stop!
2.4 Inhale – Hold the pose.
2.5 Exhale – Knees back towards your chest, don’t use you hand but use your abs.
2.6 Repeat 10 times.
2.7 Rest – Lie in Savasana to recover.